What is this podcast, anyway?

Hosted by Omid Mirzaee Yazdi, Fullstack Engineer at Knowit in Malmö, Texplosion brings you the latest and greatest in tech news, reviews and general nerdery. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a curious tech enthusiast, or just someone looking for a good laugh, this podcast has something for you.

Texplosion #4

Server-Side Magic, UI Aesthetic: a deep dive on server-driven UI

/ With senior architect Johan Lohmander

Throughout this episode, Omid and his guest, Johan Lohmander who is a senior architect at Knowit, will discuss the principles, benefits, and the downsides of server-driven UI.

If you’re a developer, designer, or simply curious about the future of web and app interfaces, this episode is your backstage pass to the inner workings of SDUI. 

About the host

Omid Mirzaee Yazdi

I'm Omid Mirzaee Yazdi, a Senior Fullstack Developer with a strong passion for system architecture. I have always found myself getting excited when reading about and sharing tips on bleeding edge technologies, trends and news with my network! So I thought, why not share the knowledge with everyone? And that’s how this podcast was born.

All released episodes: